Function keys (shortcut keys) in Allegro | OrCAD PCB Editor

 How to define function keys (shortcut keys) in PCB Editor

### User Preferences section 

### This section is computer generated. 

### Please do not modify to the end of the file. 

### Place your hand edits above this section

funckey n pop neck # during add connect n will go into neck mode. 

funckey r iangle 90 # during a command that supports rotate r will rotate 90 degrees. 

funckey d "delete; pick_to_grid -cursor; done" # delete using the d key. 

funckey f "prepopup;pop dyn_option_select 'Snap pick to@:@Figure'" # RMB snap to function for figure. 

funckey i "prepopup;pop dyn_option_select 'Snap pick to@:@Intersection'" # RMB snap to function for I/S. 

funckey a "prepopup;pop dyn_option_select 'Snap pick to@:@Arc/Circle Center'" # RMB snap to function for C 

funckey v "prepopup;pop dyn_option_select 'Snap pick to@:@Via'" # RMB snap to function for via. 

funckey + subclass -+ # use + to change active subclass 

funckey - subclass -- # use - to change active subclass 

funckey m "pop mirror" # mirrors symbol during place manual 

funckey " " "pick_to_grid -cursor;pick_to_grid -cursor" # use spacebar to minimize connections 

funckey c "zoom center;pick_to_grid -cursor" # centres screen on cursor position

 funckey t toggle # toggles direction of route 

For the next 8 funckeys the layer names MUST match for the functions to work. 

funckey 1 options subclass TOP # assigning numeric keys to change active subclass to TOP.

 funckey 2 options subclass SIGNAL_2 # assigning numeric keys to change active subclass to SIGNAL_2. 

funckey 3 options subclass SIGNAL_3 # assigning numeric keys to change active subclass to SIGNAL_3. 

funckey 4 options subclass SIGNAL_4 # assigning numeric keys to change active subclass to SIGNAL_4. 

funckey 5 options subclass SIGNAL_5 # assigning numeric keys to change active subclass to SIGNAL_5. 

funckey 6 options subclass SIGNAL_6 # assigning numeric keys to change active subclass to SIGNAL_6. 

funckey 7 options subclass SIGNAL_7 # assigning numeric keys to change active subclass to SIGNAL_7.

funckey 8 options subclass BOTTOM # assigning numeric keys to change active subclass to BOTTOM.

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